Source code for janis_core.types.common_data_types

# Implementations #
import operator
import os.path
from inspect import isclass
from typing import Dict, Any, Set, List, Optional

from janis_core.deps import cwlgen, wdlgen
from janis_core.tool.test_classes import TTestExpectedOutput, TTestPreprocessor

from janis_core.utils.logger import Logger
from janis_core.__meta__ import GITHUB_URL
from janis_core.types.data_types import DataType, NativeTypes, NativeType, ParseableType
from janis_core.utils.generics_util import is_generic, is_qualified_generic

class UnionType(DataType):
    def __init__(self, *subtypes: ParseableType, optional=False):
        self._initial_subtypes = [t for t in subtypes]

        invalid_types = []
        valid_types = []
        types_with_secondaries = []
        for subtype in subtypes:
            resolvedtype = get_instantiated_type(subtype)
            if not isinstance(resolvedtype, DataType):
            elif isinstance(resolvedtype, File) and resolvedtype.secondary_files():

        if len(types_with_secondaries) > 0:
            raise Exception(
                "UnionType doesn't accept data types with secondary files (yet), affected types: "
                + ", ".join(str(t) for t in types_with_secondaries)

        if len(invalid_types) > 0:
            raise Exception(
                "UnionType contained invalid types "
                + ", ".join(str(t) for t in invalid_types)

        if len(valid_types) < 1:
            raise Exception("UnionType is expecting at least 2 data type arguments")

        self.subtypes = valid_types

    def is_base_type(self, base_type):
        return all(s.is_base_type(base_type) for s in self.subtypes)

    def get_extensions(self):
        s = set()
        for subtype in self.subtypes:
            if hasattr(subtype, "get_extensions"):
                s = s.union(subtype.get_extensions() or [])

        return list(s)

    def is_array(self):
        return all(s.is_array() for s in self.subtypes)

    def id(self):
        return "Union<" + ", ".join( for s in self.subtypes) + ">"

    def name() -> str:
        return "Union"

    def primitive() -> NativeType:
        return None

    def doc() -> str:
        return "Union datatype"

    def validate_value(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
        return any(t.validate_value(*args, **kwargs) for t in self.subtypes)

    def invalid_value_hint(self, *args, **kwargs):
        hints = [t.invalid_value_hint(*args, **kwargs) for t in self.subtypes]
        return ", ".join(t for t in hints if t)

    def can_receive_from(self, other, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(other, UnionType):
            # we'll require all elements in the source to be received by this type-
            return all(
                self.can_receive_from(t, *args, **kwargs) for t in other.subtypes
        return any(t.can_receive_from(other, *args, **kwargs) for t in self.subtypes)

    def wdl(self, has_default=False) -> wdlgen.WdlType:
        # custom stuff here
        wdl_data_types = [a.wdl() for a in self.subtypes]
        # we require the WDL to be identical for WDL to work

        if len(set(a.get_string() for a in wdl_data_types)) > 1:

            resuting_signatures = ", ".join(
                f"{}: {a.wdl().get_string()}" for a in self.subtypes

            raise Exception(
                "Janis doesn't support UnionTypes in WDL where there is more than 1 WDL type signatures. "
                f"Please raise an issue on GitHub ({GITHUB_URL}) if this is a blocker. Resulting signatures: "
                + resuting_signatures

        return wdl_data_types[0]

    def cwl_type(self, has_default=False):
        inner_types = [a.cwl_type(has_default=has_default) for a in self.subtypes]
            inner_types = list(set(inner_types))
        except Exception as e:
            Logger.debug(f"Error creating set from ({inner_types}): {e}")

        if len(inner_types) == 1:
            return inner_types[0]
        return inner_types

[docs]class String(DataType): @staticmethod def name(): return "String" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kStr @staticmethod def doc(): return "A string" @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: return {"type": "string", "required": True} def input_field_from_input(self, meta): return next(iter(meta.values())) def can_receive_from(self, other, source_has_default=False): if isinstance(other, Filename): return True return super().can_receive_from(other, source_has_default=source_has_default) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool): if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional return isinstance(meta, (str, float, int)) def coerce_value_if_possible(self, value): return str(value) def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected string"
[docs]class Filename(String): def __init__( self, prefix="generated", suffix=None, extension: str = None, optional=None ): """ :param suffix: suffix the guid :param extension: with no '.' (dot) :param guid: Use this guid instead of generating one :param optional: IGNORED (legacy) """ self.prefix = prefix self.extension = extension self.suffix = suffix super().__init__(optional=True) @staticmethod def name() -> str: return "Filename" @staticmethod def primitive() -> NativeType: return NativeTypes.kStr def cwl_type(self, has_default=False): return super().cwl_type() @staticmethod def doc() -> str: return """ This class is a placeholder for generated filenames, by default it is optional and CAN be overridden, however the program has been structured in a way such that these names will be generated based on the step label. These should only be used when the tool _requires_ a filename to output and you aren't concerned what the filename should be. The Filename DataType should NOT be used as an output. """.strip() @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: pass def map_cwl_type(self, parameter: cwlgen.Parameter): super().map_cwl_type(parameter) parameter.default = self.generated_filenamecwl() def generated_filename(self, replacements: Dict = None) -> str: repl = replacements or {} prefix = repl.get("prefix", self.prefix) suffix = repl.get("suffix", self.suffix) suf = "" if suffix: if str(suffix).startswith("."): suf = str(suffix) else: suf = "-" + str(suffix) ex = "" if self.extension is None else self.extension return prefix + suf + ex def generated_filenamecwl(self) -> str: return f'"{self.generated_filename()}"' # code = "Math.random().toString(16).substring(2, 8)" # pf = (self.prefix + "-") if self.prefix else "" # sf = self.suffix if self.suffix else "" # ext = self.extension if self.extension else "" # return f'"{pf}generated-" + {code} + "{sf + ext}"' def can_receive_from(self, other: DataType, source_has_default=False): # Specific override because Filename should be able to receive from string if isinstance(other, String): return True # Always provides default, and is always optional return super().can_receive_from(other, source_has_default=source_has_default) def wdl(self, has_default=True): return super().wdl(has_default=has_default) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool): return True def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): return None
[docs]class Int(DataType): @staticmethod def name(): return "Integer" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kInt def doc(self): return "An integer" @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: return {"type": "number", "required": True} def input_field_from_input(self, meta): return next(iter(meta.values())) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool): if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional return isinstance(meta, int) def coerce_value_if_possible(self, value): try: return int(value) except: raise Exception(f"Value '{value}' cannot be coerced to an integer") def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected int"
[docs]class Float(DataType): @staticmethod def name(): return "Float" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kFloat def doc(self): return "A float" def input_field_from_input(self, meta: Dict): return next(iter(meta.values())) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional return isinstance(meta, float) or isinstance(meta, int) def coerce_value_if_possible(self, value): try: return float(value) except: raise Exception(f"Value '{value}' cannot be coerced to a float") def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected float | int"
class Double(Float): @staticmethod def name(): return "Double" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kDouble def doc(self): return "An integer" @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: return {"type": "number", "required": True} def input_field_from_input(self, meta): return next(iter(meta.values())) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional return isinstance(meta, float) or isinstance(meta, int) def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected float | int" def can_receive_from(self, other, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if not other.optional and isinstance(other, Float): return True return super().can_receive_from(other, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Boolean(DataType): @staticmethod def name(): return "Boolean" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kBool def doc(self): return "A boolean" def input_field_from_input(self, meta): return next(iter(meta.values())) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional if isinstance(meta, str): return meta.lower() == "true" or meta.lower() == "false" if isinstance(meta, int): return meta == 0 or meta == 1 return isinstance(meta, bool) def coerce_value_if_possible(self, value): if isinstance(value, bool): return value if isinstance(value, str): return value.lower() == "true" if isinstance(value, int): return value != 0 raise Exception(f"Value {value} could not be coerced to boolean type") def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected bool"
[docs]class File(DataType): def __init__( self, optional=False, extension=None, alternate_extensions: Set[str] = None ): """ :param optional: :param extension: Used in CWL to try and guess the file extension where it's not available otherwise """ super(File, self).__init__(optional=optional) self.extension = extension self.alternate_extensions = alternate_extensions def get_extensions(self): exts = [] if self.extension: exts.append(self.extension) if self.alternate_extensions: exts.extend(self.alternate_extensions) return exts @staticmethod def name(): return "File" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kFile def doc(self): return "A local file" @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: return {"path": {"type": "string", "required": True}} def get_value_from_meta(self, meta): return meta.get("path") def cwl_input(self, value: Any): return {"class": "File", "path": value} def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional return isinstance(meta, str) def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected string (path)" def can_receive_from(self, other, source_has_default=False) -> bool: o = get_instantiated_type(other).received_type() if type(self) == File and isinstance(o, File): return True return super().can_receive_from(o) # def cwl_type(self, has_default=False): # secs = self.secondary_files() # if secs: # tp = cwlgen.File(secondaryFiles=self.secondary_files()) # return [tp, "null"] if self.optional and not has_default else tp # return super().cwl_type(has_default=has_default) @classmethod def basic_test( cls, tag: str, min_size: int, md5: Optional[str] = None, ) -> List[TTestExpectedOutput]: outcome = [ TTestExpectedOutput( tag=tag, preprocessor=TTestPreprocessor.FileSize,, expected_value=min_size, ), ] if md5 is not None: outcome += [ TTestExpectedOutput( tag=tag, preprocessor=TTestPreprocessor.FileMd5, operator=operator.eq, expected_value=md5, ), ] return outcome
class Directory(DataType): def __init__(self, optional=False): """ Specifically exclude default """ super(Directory, self).__init__(optional=optional) @staticmethod def name(): return "Directory" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kDirectory def doc(self): return "A directory of files" def get_value_from_meta(self, meta): return meta["path"] @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: return {"path": {"type": "string", "required": True}} def input_field_from_input(self, meta): return meta["path"] def cwl_input(self, value: Any): # WDL: "{workflowName}.label" = meta["path"} return {"class": "Directory", "path": value} def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional return isinstance(meta, str) def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected string (path)" class Array(DataType): init_key_map = {"t": "_t"} def __init__(self, t: ParseableType, optional=False): resolvedtype = get_instantiated_type(t) if not isinstance(resolvedtype, DataType): raise Exception(f"Type t ({type(t)}) must be an instance of 'DataType'") self._t = resolvedtype super().__init__(optional) def is_array(self): return True def subtype(self): return self._t @staticmethod def name(): return "Array" @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kArray def id(self): if self._t is None: return super().id() t = self._t typed = f"Array<{}>" if self.optional: return f"Optional<{typed}>" return typed def doc(self): return "An array" @classmethod def schema(cls) -> Dict: return {"type": "array"} def cwl_type(self, has_default=False): inp = cwlgen.CommandInputArraySchema( items=self._t.cwl_type(), type="array" # label=None, # input_binding=None ) return [inp, "null"] if self.optional and not has_default else inp def map_cwl_type(self, parameter: cwlgen.Parameter) -> cwlgen.Parameter: parameter.type = cwlgen.CommandInputArraySchema(items=None, type="array") return parameter def cwl_input(self, value: Any): if isinstance(value, list): return [self._t.cwl_input(v) for v in value] if value is None: return None else: raise Exception(f"Input value for input '{}' was not an array") def wdl(self, has_default=False) -> wdlgen.WdlType: ar = wdlgen.ArrayType(self._t.wdl(has_default=False), requires_multiple=False) return wdlgen.WdlType(ar, optional=self.optional or has_default) def can_receive_from(self, other, source_has_default=False): if other.is_array(): return self._t.can_receive_from(other._t) if not self._t.can_receive_from(other): return False return super().can_receive_from(other, source_has_default=source_has_default) def input_field_from_input(self, meta): return next(iter(meta.values())) def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: if meta is None: return self.optional or allow_null_if_not_optional if not isinstance(meta, list): return False return all( self.subtype().validate_value(q, allow_null_if_not_optional) for q in meta ) def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): if meta is None: return "value was null" if self.validate_value(meta, True): return None if not isinstance(meta, list): return f"Value was of type {type(meta)}, expected type Array<{self.subtype().id()}>" hints = [] st = self.subtype() for i in range(len(meta)): hint = st.invalid_value_hint(meta[i]) if not hint: continue hints.append(f"{i}. {hint}") return str(hints) def parse_value(self, valuetoparse): if not isinstance(valuetoparse, list): valuetoparse = [valuetoparse] return [self.subtype().parse_value(v) for v in valuetoparse] def fundamental_type(self) -> DataType: st = self.subtype() if st.is_array(): return st.fundamental_type() return st.received_type() def received_type(self): return Array(self._t.received_type(), optional=self.optional) @classmethod def array_wrapper(cls, expected_outputs: List[List[TTestExpectedOutput]]): result = [] for i in range(len(expected_outputs)): for expected_output in expected_outputs[i]: expected_output.array_index = i result.append(expected_output) return result class Stdout(File): @staticmethod def name(): return "Stdout" def __init__(self, subtype=None, optional=None): super().__init__(optional=False) subtype = get_instantiated_type(subtype) if subtype is not None else File() if optional is not None: subtype.optional = optional if subtype and not isinstance(subtype, File): raise Exception( "Janis does not currently support non-File stdout annotations" ) self.subtype = subtype if self.subtype.secondary_files(): raise Exception( f"The subtype '{self.subtype.__name__}' has secondary files, " f"but stdout does not have the ability to collect files" ) @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kStdout def id(self): return f"stdout<{}>" def received_type(self): st = self.subtype if self.optional is not None: st.optional = self.optional return st def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: """ Will always toss away the value """ return True def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): return None class Stderr(File): @staticmethod def name(): return "Stderr" def __init__(self, subtype=None, stderrname=None, optional=None): super().__init__(optional=False) subtype = get_instantiated_type(subtype) if subtype is not None else File() if optional is not None: subtype.optional = optional if subtype and not isinstance(subtype, File): raise Exception( "Janis does not currently support non-File stderr annotations" ) self.stderrname = stderrname self.subtype = subtype if self.subtype.secondary_files(): raise Exception( f"The subtype '{self.subtype.__name__}' has secondary files, " f"but stderr does not have the ability to collect files" ) @staticmethod def primitive(): return NativeTypes.kStderr def id(self): return f"stderr<{}>" def received_type(self): st = self.subtype if self.optional is not None: st.optional = self.optional return st def validate_value(self, meta: Any, allow_null_if_not_optional: bool) -> bool: """ Will always toss away the value """ return True def invalid_value_hint(self, meta): return None class GenericFileWithSecondaries(File): def __init__( self, optional=False, secondaries: List[str] = None, extension: str = None ): super().__init__(optional=optional, extension=extension) if not isinstance(secondaries, list): secondaries = [secondaries] self.secondaries = secondaries def secondary_files(self) -> Optional[List[str]]: return self.secondaries def id(self): return f"{super().id()} [{', '.join(self.secondaries)}]" @staticmethod def name(): return "GenericFileWithSecondaries" all_types = [ String, Filename, Int, Float, Double, Boolean, File, Directory, Stdout, Stderr, Array, ] def get_from_python_type(dt, optional: bool = None, overrider=None): if dt is None: return Boolean(optional=True) bc = overrider or get_instantiated_type dtt = dt if type(dt) == type else None typedt = type(dt) try: if dtt == str or typedt == str: return String(optional=optional) except Exception as e: print(e) if dtt == bool or typedt == bool: return Boolean(optional=optional) if dtt == int or typedt == int: return Int(optional=optional) if dtt == float or typedt == float: return Float(optional=optional) if is_qualified_generic(dt): if str(dt).startswith("typing.List"): nt = bc(dt.__args__[0], overrider=bc) return Array(nt, optional=optional) elif str(dt).startswith("typing.Union"): subtypes = dt.__args__ # Filter out None or NoneType try: new_subtypes = [ t for t in subtypes if t is not None and type(None) != t ] except Exception as e: Logger.critical( f"Couldn't determine the appropriate internal types from {str(dt)}, failed with error: {str(e)}" ) raise optional = len(subtypes) != len(new_subtypes) if len(new_subtypes) == 0: raise TypeError( "Unsure how to parse generic: '{str(dt)}', please raise an issue if you think this is in error" ) if len(new_subtypes) == 1: return get_instantiated_type( new_subtypes[0], optional=optional, overrider=bc ) nts = [bc(n, overrider=bc) for n in new_subtypes] return UnionType(*nts, optional=optional) args = dt.__args__ if len(args) > 2: raise Exception(f"Janis is unsure how to parse qualfied generic '{dt}'") aridxofnonetype = [ i for i, val in enumerate(a == type(None) for a in args) if val ] optional = len(aridxofnonetype) > 0 if len(aridxofnonetype) > 1 and optional is False: raise Exception("Janis cannot accept union ") idxofsubtype = (len(args) - 1 - aridxofnonetype[0]) if optional else 0 subtype = args[idxofsubtype] nt = bc(subtype, optional=optional) return nt elif is_generic(dt): raise Exception(f"Generic {dt} was generic typing, but unqualified") def get_instantiated_type(datatype: ParseableType, optional=None, overrider=None): bc = overrider or get_instantiated_type if isinstance(datatype, list): if len(datatype) == 0: raise TypeError("Couldn't determine type of array with length 0") return Array(bc(datatype[0])) if isinstance(datatype, DataType): return datatype if isclass(datatype) and issubclass(datatype, DataType): return datatype(optional=optional) dt = get_from_python_type(datatype, optional=optional, overrider=bc) if dt: return dt raise TypeError(f"Unable to parse type '{str(datatype)}'") NumericType = UnionType(Int, Double, Float) AnyType = UnionType(String, Boolean, Int, Double, Float, File, Directory)