SamTools: View

SamToolsView · 1 contributor · 2 versions

Ensure SAMTOOLS.SORT is inheriting from parent metadata

With no options or regions specified, prints all alignments in the specified input alignment file (in SAM, BAM, or CRAM format) to standard output in SAM format (with no header).

You may specify one or more space-separated region specifications after the input filename to restrict output to only those alignments which overlap the specified region(s). Use of region specifications requires a coordinate-sorted and indexed input file (in BAM or CRAM format).


from import SamToolsView_1_9

wf = WorkflowBuilder("myworkflow")

wf.output("out", source=samtoolsview_step.out)


  1. Install Janis
  2. Ensure Janis is configured to work with Docker or Singularity.
  3. Ensure all reference files are available:


More information about these inputs are available below.

  1. Generate user input files for SamToolsView:
# user inputs
janis inputs SamToolsView > inputs.yaml


sam: null
  1. Run SamToolsView with:
janis run [ options] \
    --inputs inputs.yaml \


Versions:1.9.0, 1.7.0–h8571acd_11
Authors:Michael Franklin


name type documentation
out BAM  

Additional configuration (inputs)

name type prefix position documentation
sam Union<SAM, BAM, CRAM>   10  
cramOutput Optional<Boolean> -C 5 Output in the CRAM format (requires -T).
compressedBam Optional<Boolean> -1 5 Enable fast BAM compression (implies -b).
uncompressedBam Optional<Boolean> -u 5 Output uncompressed BAM. This option saves time spent on compression/decompression and is thus preferred when the output is piped to another samtools command.
onlyOutputHeader Optional<Boolean> -H 5 Output the header only.
countAlignments Optional<Boolean> -c 5 Instead of printing the alignments, only count them and print the total number. All filter options, such as -f, -F, and -q, are taken into account.
writeAlignments Optional<File> -U 5 Write alignments that are not selected by the various filter options to FILE. When this option is used, all alignments (or all alignments intersecting the regions specified) are written to either the output file or this file, but never both.
inputTSV Optional<File> -t 5 A tab-delimited FILE. Each line must contain the reference name in the first column and the length of the reference in the second column, with one line for each distinct reference. Any additional fields beyond the second column are ignored. This file also defines the order of the reference sequences in sorting. If you run: `samtools faidx <ref.fa>’, the resulting index file <ref.fa>.fai can be used as this FILE.
onlyOverlapping Optional<File> -L 5 Only output alignments overlapping the input BED FILE [null].
useMultiRegionIterator Optional<Boolean> -M 5 Use the multi-region iterator on the union of the BED file and command-line region arguments. This avoids re-reading the same regions of files so can sometimes be much faster. Note this also removes duplicate sequences. Without this a sequence that overlaps multiple regions specified on the command line will be reported multiple times.
outputAlignmentsInReadGroup Optional<String> -r 5 Output alignments in read group STR [null]. Note that records with no RG tag will also be output when using this option. This behaviour may change in a future release.
outputAlignmentsInFileReadGroups Optional<File> -R 5 Output alignments in read groups listed in FILE [null]. Note that records with no RG tag will also be output when using this option. This behaviour may change in a future release.
mapqThreshold Optional<Integer> -q 5 Skip alignments with MAPQ smaller than INT [0].
outputAlignmentsInLibrary Optional<String> -l 5 Only output alignments in library STR [null].
outputAlignmentsMeetingCIGARThreshold Optional<Integer> -m 5 Only output alignments with number of CIGAR bases consuming query sequence ≥ INT [0]
outputAlignmentsWithBitsSet Optional<String> -f 5 Only output alignments with all bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x’ (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0’ (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
doNotOutputAlignmentsWithBitsSet Optional<String> -F 5 Do not output alignments with any bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x’ (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0’ (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
doNotOutputAlignmentsWithAllBitsSet Optional<String> -G 5 Do not output alignments with all bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. This is the opposite of -f such that -f12 -G12 is the same as no filtering at all. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x’ (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0’ (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
readTagToExclude Optional<String> -x 5 Read tag to exclude from output (repeatable) [null]
collapseBackwardCIGAR Optional<Boolean> -B 5 Collapse the backward CIGAR operation.
subsamplingProportion Optional<Float> -s 5 Output only a proportion of the input alignments. This subsampling acts in the same way on all of the alignment records in the same template or read pair, so it never keeps a read but not its mate. The integer and fractional parts of the -s INT.FRAC option are used separately: the part after the decimal point sets the fraction of templates/pairs to be kept, while the integer part is used as a seed that influences which subset of reads is kept.
threads Optional<Integer> -@ 5 Number of BAM compression threads to use in addition to main thread [0].
reference Optional<FastaWithIndexes> -T 6 A FASTA format reference FILE, optionally compressed by bgzip and ideally indexed by samtools faidx. If an index is not present, one will be generated for you.
outputFilename Optional<Filename> -o 5 Output to FILE [stdout].
regions Optional<Array<String>>   11 Region specifications after the input filename to restrict output to only those alignments which overlap the specified region(s). Use of region specifications requires a coordinate-sorted and indexed input file (in BAM or CRAM format)

Workflow Description Language

version development

task SamToolsView {
  input {
    Int? runtime_cpu
    Int? runtime_memory
    Int? runtime_seconds
    Int? runtime_disks
    Boolean? cramOutput
    Boolean? compressedBam
    Boolean? uncompressedBam
    Boolean? onlyOutputHeader
    Boolean? countAlignments
    File? writeAlignments
    File? inputTSV
    File? onlyOverlapping
    Boolean? useMultiRegionIterator
    String? outputAlignmentsInReadGroup
    File? outputAlignmentsInFileReadGroups
    Int? mapqThreshold
    String? outputAlignmentsInLibrary
    Int? outputAlignmentsMeetingCIGARThreshold
    String? outputAlignmentsWithBitsSet
    String? doNotOutputAlignmentsWithBitsSet
    String? doNotOutputAlignmentsWithAllBitsSet
    String? readTagToExclude
    Boolean? collapseBackwardCIGAR
    Float? subsamplingProportion
    Int? threads
    File sam
    File? reference
    File? reference_fai
    File? reference_amb
    File? reference_ann
    File? reference_bwt
    File? reference_pac
    File? reference_sa
    File? reference_dict
    String? outputFilename
    Array[String]? regions
  command <<<
    set -e
    samtools view \
      '-S' \
      '-h' \
      '-b' \
      ~{if (defined(cramOutput) && select_first([cramOutput])) then "-C" else ""} \
      ~{if (defined(compressedBam) && select_first([compressedBam])) then "-1" else ""} \
      ~{if (defined(uncompressedBam) && select_first([uncompressedBam])) then "-u" else ""} \
      ~{if (defined(onlyOutputHeader) && select_first([onlyOutputHeader])) then "-H" else ""} \
      ~{if (defined(countAlignments) && select_first([countAlignments])) then "-c" else ""} \
      ~{if defined(writeAlignments) then ("-U '" + writeAlignments + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(inputTSV) then ("-t '" + inputTSV + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(onlyOverlapping) then ("-L '" + onlyOverlapping + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if (defined(useMultiRegionIterator) && select_first([useMultiRegionIterator])) then "-M" else ""} \
      ~{if defined(outputAlignmentsInReadGroup) then ("-r '" + outputAlignmentsInReadGroup + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(outputAlignmentsInFileReadGroups) then ("-R '" + outputAlignmentsInFileReadGroups + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(mapqThreshold) then ("-q " + mapqThreshold) else ''} \
      ~{if defined(outputAlignmentsInLibrary) then ("-l '" + outputAlignmentsInLibrary + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(outputAlignmentsMeetingCIGARThreshold) then ("-m " + outputAlignmentsMeetingCIGARThreshold) else ''} \
      ~{if defined(outputAlignmentsWithBitsSet) then ("-f '" + outputAlignmentsWithBitsSet + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(doNotOutputAlignmentsWithBitsSet) then ("-F '" + doNotOutputAlignmentsWithBitsSet + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(doNotOutputAlignmentsWithAllBitsSet) then ("-G '" + doNotOutputAlignmentsWithAllBitsSet + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if defined(readTagToExclude) then ("-x '" + readTagToExclude + "'") else ""} \
      ~{if (defined(collapseBackwardCIGAR) && select_first([collapseBackwardCIGAR])) then "-B" else ""} \
      ~{if defined(subsamplingProportion) then ("-s " + subsamplingProportion) else ''} \
      ~{if defined(threads) then ("-@ " + threads) else ''} \
      -o '~{select_first([outputFilename, "~{basename(sam)}.bam"])}' \
      ~{if defined(reference) then ("-T '" + reference + "'") else ""} \
      ~{sam} \
      ~{if (defined(regions) && length(select_first([regions])) > 0) then "'" + sep("' '", select_first([regions])) + "'" else ""}
  runtime {
    cpu: select_first([runtime_cpu, 1])
    disks: "local-disk ~{select_first([runtime_disks, 20])} SSD"
    docker: ""
    duration: select_first([runtime_seconds, 86400])
    memory: "~{select_first([runtime_memory, 4])}G"
    preemptible: 2
  output {
    File out = select_first([outputFilename, "~{basename(sam)}.bam"])

Common Workflow Language

#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
class: CommandLineTool
cwlVersion: v1.2
label: 'SamTools: View'
doc: |-
  Ensure SAMTOOLS.SORT is inheriting from parent metadata


  With no options or regions specified, prints all alignments in the specified input alignment file
  (in SAM, BAM, or CRAM format) to standard output in SAM format (with no header).

  You may specify one or more space-separated region specifications after the input filename to
  restrict output to only those alignments which overlap the specified region(s).
  Use of region specifications requires a coordinate-sorted and indexed input file (in BAM or CRAM format).

- class: ShellCommandRequirement
- class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
- class: DockerRequirement

- id: cramOutput
  label: cramOutput
  doc: Output in the CRAM format (requires -T).
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: -C
    position: 5
- id: compressedBam
  label: compressedBam
  doc: Enable fast BAM compression (implies -b).
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: '-1'
    position: 5
- id: uncompressedBam
  label: uncompressedBam
  doc: |-
    Output uncompressed BAM. This option saves time spent on compression/decompression and is thus preferred when the output is piped to another samtools command.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: -u
    position: 5
- id: onlyOutputHeader
  label: onlyOutputHeader
  doc: Output the header only.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: -H
    position: 5
- id: countAlignments
  label: countAlignments
  doc: |-
    Instead of printing the alignments, only count them and print the total number. All filter options, such as -f, -F, and -q, are taken into account.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: -c
    position: 5
- id: writeAlignments
  label: writeAlignments
  doc: |-
    Write alignments that are not selected by the various filter options to FILE. When this option is used, all alignments (or all alignments intersecting the regions specified) are written to either the output file or this file, but never both.
  - File
  - 'null'
    prefix: -U
    position: 5
- id: inputTSV
  label: inputTSV
  doc: |-
    A tab-delimited FILE. Each line must contain the reference name in the first column and the length of the reference in the second column, with one line for each distinct reference. Any additional fields beyond the second column are ignored. This file also defines the order of the reference sequences in sorting. If you run: `samtools faidx <ref.fa>', the resulting index file <ref.fa>.fai can be used as this FILE.
  - File
  - 'null'
    prefix: -t
    position: 5
- id: onlyOverlapping
  label: onlyOverlapping
  doc: Only output alignments overlapping the input BED FILE [null].
  - File
  - 'null'
    prefix: -L
    position: 5
- id: useMultiRegionIterator
  label: useMultiRegionIterator
  doc: |-
    Use the multi-region iterator on the union of the BED file and command-line region arguments. This avoids re-reading the same regions of files so can sometimes be much faster. Note this also removes duplicate sequences. Without this a sequence that overlaps multiple regions specified on the command line will be reported multiple times.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: -M
    position: 5
- id: outputAlignmentsInReadGroup
  label: outputAlignmentsInReadGroup
  doc: |-
    Output alignments in read group STR [null]. Note that records with no RG tag will also be output when using this option. This behaviour may change in a future release.
  - string
  - 'null'
    prefix: -r
    position: 5
- id: outputAlignmentsInFileReadGroups
  label: outputAlignmentsInFileReadGroups
  doc: |-
    Output alignments in read groups listed in FILE [null]. Note that records with no RG tag will also be output when using this option. This behaviour may change in a future release.
  - File
  - 'null'
    prefix: -R
    position: 5
- id: mapqThreshold
  label: mapqThreshold
  doc: Skip alignments with MAPQ smaller than INT [0].
  - int
  - 'null'
    prefix: -q
    position: 5
- id: outputAlignmentsInLibrary
  label: outputAlignmentsInLibrary
  doc: Only output alignments in library STR [null].
  - string
  - 'null'
    prefix: -l
    position: 5
- id: outputAlignmentsMeetingCIGARThreshold
  label: outputAlignmentsMeetingCIGARThreshold
  doc: |-
    Only output alignments with number of CIGAR bases consuming query sequence ≥ INT [0]
  - int
  - 'null'
    prefix: -m
    position: 5
- id: outputAlignmentsWithBitsSet
  label: outputAlignmentsWithBitsSet
  doc: |-
    Only output alignments with all bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x' (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0' (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
  - string
  - 'null'
    prefix: -f
    position: 5
- id: doNotOutputAlignmentsWithBitsSet
  label: doNotOutputAlignmentsWithBitsSet
  doc: |-
    Do not output alignments with any bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x' (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0' (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
  - string
  - 'null'
    prefix: -F
    position: 5
- id: doNotOutputAlignmentsWithAllBitsSet
  label: doNotOutputAlignmentsWithAllBitsSet
  doc: |-
    Do not output alignments with all bits set in INT present in the FLAG field. This is the opposite of -f such that -f12 -G12 is the same as no filtering at all. INT can be specified in hex by beginning with `0x' (i.e. /^0x[0-9A-F]+/) or in octal by beginning with `0' (i.e. /^0[0-7]+/) [0].
  - string
  - 'null'
    prefix: -G
    position: 5
- id: readTagToExclude
  label: readTagToExclude
  doc: Read tag to exclude from output (repeatable) [null]
  - string
  - 'null'
    prefix: -x
    position: 5
- id: collapseBackwardCIGAR
  label: collapseBackwardCIGAR
  doc: Collapse the backward CIGAR operation.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
    prefix: -B
    position: 5
- id: subsamplingProportion
  label: subsamplingProportion
  doc: |-
    Output only a proportion of the input alignments. This subsampling acts in the same way on all of the alignment records in the same template or read pair, so it never keeps a read but not its mate. The integer and fractional parts of the -s INT.FRAC option are used separately: the part after the decimal point sets the fraction of templates/pairs to be kept, while the integer part is used as a seed that influences which subset of reads is kept.
  - float
  - 'null'
    prefix: -s
    position: 5
- id: threads
  label: threads
  doc: Number of BAM compression threads to use in addition to main thread [0].
  - int
  - 'null'
    prefix: -@
    position: 5
- id: sam
  label: sam
  type: File
    position: 10
- id: reference
  label: reference
  doc: |-
    A FASTA format reference FILE, optionally compressed by bgzip and ideally indexed by samtools faidx. If an index is not present, one will be generated for you.
  - File
  - 'null'
  - pattern: .fai
  - pattern: .amb
  - pattern: .ann
  - pattern: .bwt
  - pattern: .pac
  - pattern: .sa
  - pattern: ^.dict
    prefix: -T
    position: 6
- id: outputFilename
  label: outputFilename
  doc: Output to FILE [stdout].
  - string
  - 'null'
  default: generated.bam
    prefix: -o
    position: 5
    valueFrom: $(inputs.sam).bam
- id: regions
  label: regions
  doc: |-
    Region specifications after the input filename to restrict output to only those alignments which overlap the specified region(s). Use of region specifications requires a coordinate-sorted and indexed input file (in BAM or CRAM format)
  - type: array
    items: string
  - 'null'
    position: 11

- id: out
  label: out
  type: File
    glob: $(inputs.sam).bam
    loadContents: false
stdout: _stdout
stderr: _stderr

- samtools
- view
- position: 2
  valueFrom: -S
- position: 3
  valueFrom: -h
- position: 4
  valueFrom: -b

- class: ToolTimeLimit
  timelimit: |-
    $([inputs.runtime_seconds, 86400].filter(function (inner) { return inner != null })[0])
id: SamToolsView