Command Tool

A class that wraps a CommandLineTool with named argument



A janis.CommandTool is the programmatic interface between a set of inputs, how these inputs bind on the Command Line to call the tool, and how to collect the outputs. It would be rare that you should directly instantiate CommandTool, instead you should subclass and and override the methods you need as declared below.

Like a workflow, there are two methods to declare a command tool:

  • Use the CommandToolBuilder class
  • Inherit from the CommandTool class,



import janis_core as j

ToolName = j.CommandToolBuilder(
    tool: str="toolname",
    base_command=["base", "command"],
    inputs: List[j.ToolInput]=[],
    outputs: List[j.ToolOutput]=[],
    metadata: ToolMetadata=j.ToolMetadata(),
    cpu: Union[int, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], int]]=None,
    memory: Union[int, Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], int]]=None,

This is equivalent to the inherited template:

from typing import List, Optional, Union
import janis_core as j

class ToolName(j.CommandTool):
    def tool(self) -> str:
        return "toolname"

    def base_command(self) -> Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]:

    def inputs(self) -> List[j.ToolInput]:
        return []

    def outputs(self) -> List[j.ToolOutput]:
        return []

    def container(self) -> str:
        return ""

    def version(self) -> str:

     # optional

     def arguments(self) -> List[j.ToolArgument]:
         return []

     def env_vars(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Selector]]]:
         return {}

     def friendly_name(self) -> str:

     def tool_module(self) -> str:

     def tool_provider(self) -> str:

     def cpu(self, hints: Dict) -> int:

     def memory(self, hints: Dict) -> int:

     def bind_metadata(self) -> j.ToolMetadata:


A new tool definition must subclass the janis.CommandTool class and implement the required abstract methods:

  • janis.CommandTool.tool(self) -> str: Unique identifier of the tool
  • janis.CommandTool.base_command(self) -> str: The command of the tool to execute, usually the tool name or path and not related to any inputs.
  • janis.CommandTool.inputs(self) -> List[janis.ToolInput ]: A list of named tool inputs that will be used to create the command line.
  • janis.CommandTool.arguments(self) -> List[janis.ToolArgument ]: A list of arguments that will be used to create the command line.
  • janis.CommandTool.outputs(self) -> List[janis.ToolOutput ]: A list of named outputs of the tool; a ToolOutput declares how the output is captured.
  • janis.CommandTool.container(self): A link to an OCI compliant container accessible by the engine. Previously, docker().
  • janis.CommandTool.version(self): Version of the tool.
  • janis.CommandTool.env_vars(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Selector]]]: A dictionary of environment variables that should be defined within the container.

To better categorise your tool, you can additionally implement the following methods:

  • janis.Tool.friendly_name(self): A user friendly name of your tool (must be implemented for generated docs)
  • janis.Tool.tool_module(self): Unix, bioinformatics, etc.
  • janis.Tool.tool_provider(self): The manafacturer of the tool, eg: Illumina, Samtools

Tool Input


A ToolInput (and ToolArgument) must have either a position AND / OR prefix to be bound onto the command line.

  • The prefix is a string that precedes the inputted value. By default the prefix is separated by a space, however this can be removed with separate_value_from_prefix=False.
  • The position represents the order of how arguments are bound onto the command line. Lower numbers get a higher priority, not providing a number will default to 0.
  • prefix_applies_to_all_elements applies the prefix to each element in an array (only applicable for array inputs).
  • The localise_file attribute places the file input within the execution directory.
  • presents_as is a mechanism for overriding the name to localise to. The localise_file parameter MUST be set to True for presents_as
  • secondaries_present_as is a mechanism for overriding the format of secondary files. localise_file does NOT need to be set for this functionality to work. In CWL, this relies on

Tool Argument

Tool Output