Source code for janis_core.operators.selectors

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union, Optional

from janis_core.types.data_types import ParseableType

from janis_core.types import get_instantiated_type, DataType

from janis_core.graph.node import NodeType
from janis_core.types.common_data_types import Array, File, Directory, Int
from janis_core.utils import first_value
from janis_core.utils.logger import Logger

class Selector(ABC):
    def is_selector():
        return True

    def returntype(self) -> DataType:

    def requires_contents(self):
        A subclass should set this to TRUE
        return False

    def __neg__(self):

    def negate(self):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import NotOperator

        return NotOperator(self)

    def to_string_formatter(self):

    def assert_not_null(self):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import AssertNotNull

        return AssertNotNull(self)

    def is_null(self):
        return self.is_not_null().negate()

    def is_not_null(self):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import IsDefined

        return IsDefined(self)

    def and_(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import AndOperator

        return AndOperator(self, other)

    def __and__(self, other):
        return self.and_(other)

    def __rand__(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import AndOperator

        return AndOperator(other, self)

    def or_(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import OrOperator

        return OrOperator(self, other)

    def __or__(self, other):
        return self.or_(other)

    def __ror__(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import OrOperator

        return OrOperator(other, self)

    def add(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import AddOperator

        return AddOperator(self, other)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return self.add(other)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import AddOperator

        return AddOperator(other, self)

    def subtract(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import SubtractOperator

        return SubtractOperator(self, other)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return self.subtract(other)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import SubtractOperator

        return SubtractOperator(other, self)

    def multiply(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import MultiplyOperator

        return MultiplyOperator(self, other)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self.multiply(other)

    def __rmul__(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import MultiplyOperator

        return MultiplyOperator(other, self)

    def divide(self, other):

        from janis_core.operators.logical import DivideOperator

        return DivideOperator(self, other)

    def __truediv__(self, other):
        return self.divide(other)

    def __rtruediv__(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import DivideOperator

        return DivideOperator(other, self)

    # def __eq__(self, other):
    def equals(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import EqualityOperator

        return EqualityOperator(self, other)

    def not_equals(self, other):

        from janis_core.operators.logical import EqualityOperator

        return EqualityOperator(self, other)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return self.not_equals(other)

    def greater_than(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import GtOperator

        return GtOperator(self, other)

    def __gt__(self, other):
        return self.greater_than(other)

    def greater_than_or_equals(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import GteOperator

        return GteOperator(self, other)

    def __ge__(self, other):
        return self.greater_than_or_equals(other)

    def less_than(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import LtOperator

        return LtOperator(self, other)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.less_than(other)

    def less_than_or_equals(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import LteOperator

        return LteOperator(self, other)

    def length(self):
        from janis_core.operators.standard import LengthOperator

        return LengthOperator(self)

    def __len__(self):

        raise Exception(
            f"Calling the len function on a Janis selector, ie:'len({str(self)})' is not supported, please use '{str(self)}.length)'"

    def as_str(self):
        from janis_core.operators.operator import AsStringOperator

        return AsStringOperator(self)

    def as_bool(self):
        from janis_core.operators.operator import AsBoolOperator

        return AsBoolOperator(self)

    def as_int(self):
        from janis_core.operators.operator import AsIntOperator

        return AsIntOperator(self)

    def as_float(self):
        from janis_core.operators.operator import AsFloatOperator

        return AsFloatOperator(self)

    def op_and(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import AndOperator

        return AndOperator(self, other)

    def op_or(self, other):
        from janis_core.operators.logical import OrOperator

        return OrOperator(self, other)

    def contents(self):
        from janis_core.operators.standard import ReadContents

        return ReadContents(self)

    def read_json(self):
        # could always check self.returntype() and decide to use read_json or ParseJson

        from janis_core.operators.standard import ReadJsonOperator

        return ReadJsonOperator(self)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        from janis_core.operators.operator import IndexOperator

        return IndexOperator(self, item)

    def basename(self):
        from .standard import BasenameOperator

        outtype = get_instantiated_type(self.returntype()).received_type()
        if not isinstance(outtype, (File, Directory)):
            raise Exception(
                "Basename operator can only be applied to steps of File / Directory type, received: "
                + str(outtype)

        return BasenameOperator(self)

    def replace(self, pattern, replacement):
        from .standard import ReplaceOperator
        return ReplaceOperator(self, pattern, replacement)

    def file_size(self):
        from .standard import FileSizeOperator

        return FileSizeOperator(self)

    def flattened(self):
        from .standard import FlattenOperator

        return FlattenOperator(self)

    def joined(self, separator: str):
        from .standard import JoinOperator

        return JoinOperator(self, separator)

    def as_type(self, data_type: ParseableType):
        return AliasSelector(self, data_type)

SelectorOrValue = Union[Selector, int, str, float]

[docs]class InputSelector(Selector): def __init__( self, input_to_select, remove_file_extension=None, type_hint=File, **kwargs ): """ :param input_to_select: The name of the input to select :param remove_file_extension: Call basename() and remove the file extension :param type_hint: Janis can't determine the type of the input to select until translation time, so providing a hint type might suppress false warnings. This is similar to using .as_type(dt) """ if not isinstance(input_to_select, str): raise Exception( f"Expected input_to_select to be string, not {type(input_to_select)}: {str(input_to_select)}" ) # maybe worth validating the input_to_select identifier self.input_to_select = input_to_select self.type_hint = get_instantiated_type(type_hint) or File() if "use_basename" in kwargs: use_basename = kwargs["use_basename"] if remove_file_extension is None: remove_file_extension = use_basename Logger.warn( f"The 'use_basename' key is deprecated, please use 'remove_file_extension' instead: " f'InputSelector("{self.input_to_select}", remove_file_extension={str(use_basename)})' ) self.remove_file_extension = remove_file_extension def returntype(self): # Todo: Work out how this can be achieved return self.type_hint def to_string_formatter(self): kwarg = {self.input_to_select: self} from janis_core.operators.stringformatter import StringFormatter return StringFormatter(f"{{{self.input_to_select}}}", **kwarg) def init_dictionary(self): d = {"input_to_select": self.input_to_select} if self.remove_file_extension is not None: d["remove_file_extension"] = self.remove_file_extension if not isinstance(self.type_hint, File): d["type_hint"] = self.type_hint return d def __str__(self): return "inputs." + self.input_to_select def __repr__(self): return str(self)
class InputNodeSelector(Selector): def __init__(self, input_node): from janis_core.workflow.workflow import InputNode if input_node.node_type != NodeType.INPUT: # input raise Exception( f"Error when creating InputOperator, '{}' was not an input node" ) self.input_node: InputNode = input_node def id(self): return def returntype(self): out = first_value(self.input_node.outputs()).outtype if self.input_node is not None and self.input_node.default is not None: import copy out = copy.copy(out) out.optional = False return out def __repr__(self): return "inputs." + def to_string_formatter(self): from janis_core.operators.stringformatter import StringFormatter key = kwarg = {key: self} return StringFormatter(f"{{{key}}}", **kwarg) class StepOutputSelector(Selector): def __init__(self, node, tag): outputs = node.outputs() if tag not in outputs: raise TypeError( f"The step node {} did not have an output called '{tag}', " f"expected one of: {', '.join(outputs.keys())}" ) self.node = node self.tag = tag def returntype(self): retval = self.node.outputs()[self.tag].outtype if self.node.node_type != NodeType.STEP: return retval if hasattr(self.node, "scatter") and self.node.scatter is not None: retval = Array(retval) elif hasattr(self.node, "foreach") and self.node.foreach is not None: retval = Array(retval) return retval @staticmethod def from_tuple(step_tuple): return StepOutputSelector(step_tuple[0], step_tuple[1]) def __repr__(self): parts = [p for p in (, self.tag) if p is not None] return ".".join(parts) def to_string_formatter(self): from janis_core.operators.stringformatter import StringFormatter key = + "_" + self.tag kwarg = {key: self} return StringFormatter(f"{{{key}}}", **kwarg)
[docs]class WildcardSelector(Selector): def __init__(self, wildcard, select_first=False): self.wildcard = wildcard self.select_first = select_first def returntype(self): return Array(Union[File, Directory]) def to_string_formatter(self): raise Exception("A wildcard selector cannot be coerced into a StringFormatter")
class AliasSelector(Selector): """ Simply a way to silence the Janis type system """ def __init__(self, inner: Selector, dt: ParseableType): self.inner_selector = inner self.data_type = get_instantiated_type(dt) def returntype(self) -> DataType: return self.data_type def __repr__(self): return f"({self.inner_selector} as {self.data_type})" def to_string_formatter(self): from janis_core.operators.stringformatter import StringFormatter return StringFormatter("{value}", value=self.inner_selector) class ForEachSelector(Selector): def returntype(self) -> DataType: return File() def to_string_formatter(self): from janis_core.operators.stringformatter import StringFormatter return StringFormatter("{inp}", inp=self) class ResourceSelector(InputSelector): def __init__( self, resource_to_select: str, resource_type: DataType, default: Optional[any] = None, ): super().__init__(resource_to_select) self.resource_type = resource_type self.default = default def get_operation(self, tool, hints): value_from_defined_method = self.get_value_from_tool(tool, hints) # can't do a check for is_opera if ( value_from_defined_method is not None and hasattr(value_from_defined_method, "get_leaves") and any( isinstance(l, type(self)) for l in value_from_defined_method.get_leaves() ) ): raise Exception( f"{type(self).__name__}() should not be used for when building {self.input_to_select} method for '{}'" ) ops = [InputSelector(self.input_to_select)] if value_from_defined_method is not None: ops.append(value_from_defined_method) if self.default is not None: ops.append(self.default) if len(ops) == 1: return ops[0] from .standard import FirstOperator return FirstOperator(ops) @abstractmethod def get_value_from_tool(self, tool, hints): pass class MemorySelector(ResourceSelector): def __init__(self): super().__init__("runtime_memory", Int(optional=False), 4) def get_value_from_tool(self, tool, hints): return tool.memory(hints) class CpuSelector(ResourceSelector): def __init__(self, default=1): super().__init__("runtime_cpu", Int(optional=bool(default is None)), default) def get_value_from_tool(self, tool, hints): return tool.cpus(hints) class DiskSelector(ResourceSelector): def __init__(self, default=20): super().__init__("runtime_disks", Int(optional=True), default) def get_value_from_tool(self, tool, hints): return tool.disk(hints) class TimeSelector(ResourceSelector): def __init__(self, default=86400): """ Specified in seconds :param default: """ super().__init__("runtime_seconds", Int(optional=False), default) self.default = default def get_value_from_tool(self, tool, hints): return tool.time(hints)