FastQC (Single, Scattered)

fastqc_single_scattered · 1 contributor · 1 version

FastQC doesn’t return a Directory unless it’s the single variant, but Janis will make you double scatter if you’re processing an array of array of fastqs.

Note, this is bound to the LATEST version of FastQC: ‘v0.11.8’


from import FastqcSingleScattered

wf = WorkflowBuilder("myworkflow")

wf.output("out", source=fastqc_single_scattered_step.out)
wf.output("out_datafile", source=fastqc_single_scattered_step.out_datafile)
wf.output("out_html", source=fastqc_single_scattered_step.out_html)
wf.output("out_directory", source=fastqc_single_scattered_step.out_directory)


  1. Install Janis
  2. Ensure Janis is configured to work with Docker or Singularity.
  3. Ensure all reference files are available:


More information about these inputs are available below.

  1. Generate user input files for fastqc_single_scattered:
# user inputs
janis inputs fastqc_single_scattered > inputs.yaml


- reads_0.fastq.gz
- reads_1.fastq.gz
  1. Run fastqc_single_scattered with:
janis run [ options] \
    --inputs inputs.yaml \


URL: No URL to the documentation was provided

URL:No URL to the documentation was provided
Authors:Michael Franklin


name type documentation
out Array<Zip>  
out_datafile Array<File>  
out_html Array<HtmlFile>  
out_directory Array<Directory>  



Embedded Tools

FastQC (single read) fastqc_single/v0.11.8

Additional configuration (inputs)

name type documentation
reads Array<FastqGz>  
nano Optional<Boolean> Files come from naopore sequences and are in fast5 format. In this mode you can pass in directories to process and the program will take in all fast5 files within those directories and produce a single output file from the sequences found in all files.
nofilter Optional<Boolean> If running with –casava then don’t remove read flagged by casava as poor quality when performing the QC analysis.
noextract Optional<Boolean> Do not uncompress the output file after creating it. You should set this option if you donot wish to uncompress the output when running in non-interactive mode.
nogroup Optional<Boolean> Disable grouping of bases for reads >50bp. All reports will show data for every base in the read. WARNING: Using this option will cause fastqc to crash and burn if you use it on really long reads, and your plots may end up a ridiculous size. You have been warned!
format Optional<String> (-f) Bypasses the normal sequence file format detection and forces the program to use the specified format. Valid formats are bam,sam,bam_mapped,sam_mapped and fastq
contaminants Optional<File> (-c) Specifies a non-default file which contains the list of contaminants to screen overrepresented sequences against. The file must contain sets of named contaminants in the form name[tab]sequence. Lines prefixed with a hash will be ignored.
adapters Optional<File> (-a) Specifies a non-default file which contains the list of adapter sequences which will be explicity searched against the library. The file must contain sets of named adapters in the form name[tab]sequence. Lines prefixed with a hash will be ignored.
limits Optional<File> (-l) Specifies a non-default file which contains a set of criteria which will be used to determine the warn/error limits for the various modules. This file can also be used to selectively remove some modules from the output all together. The format needs to mirror the default limits.txt file found in the Configuration folder.
kmers Optional<Integer> (-k) Specifies the length of Kmer to look for in the Kmer content module. Specified Kmer length must be between 2 and 10. Default length is 7 if not specified.

Workflow Description Language

version development

import "tools/fastqc_single_v0_11_8.wdl" as F

workflow fastqc_single_scattered {
  input {
    Array[File] reads
    Boolean? nano
    Boolean? nofilter
    Boolean? noextract
    Boolean? nogroup
    String? format
    File? contaminants
    File? adapters
    File? limits
    Int? kmers
  scatter (r in reads) {
     call F.fastqc_single as fastqc {
  output {
    Array[File] out = fastqc.out
    Array[File] out_datafile = fastqc.out_datafile
    Array[File] out_html = fastqc.out_html
    Array[Directory] out_directory = fastqc.out_directory

Common Workflow Language

#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
class: Workflow
cwlVersion: v1.2
label: FastQC (Single, Scattered)
doc: |2-

  FastQC doesn't return a Directory unless it's the single variant, but Janis will make
  you double scatter if you're processing an array of array of fastqs.

  Note, this is bound to the LATEST version of FastQC: 'v0.11.8'

- class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
- class: StepInputExpressionRequirement
- class: ScatterFeatureRequirement

- id: reads
    type: array
    items: File
- id: nano
  doc: |-
    Files come from naopore sequences and are in fast5 format. In this mode you can pass in directories to process and the program will take in all fast5 files within those directories and produce a single output file from the sequences found in all files.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
- id: nofilter
  doc: |-
    If running with --casava then don't remove read flagged by casava as poor quality when performing the QC analysis.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
- id: noextract
  doc: |-
    Do not uncompress the output file after creating it.  You should set this option if you donot wish to uncompress the output when running in non-interactive mode.
  - boolean
  - 'null'
- id: nogroup
  doc: |-
    Disable grouping of bases for reads >50bp. All reports will show data for every base in the read. WARNING: Using this option will cause fastqc to crash and burn if you use it on really long reads, and your plots may end up a ridiculous size. You have been warned!
  - boolean
  - 'null'
- id: format
  doc: |-
    (-f) Bypasses the normal sequence file format detection and forces the program to use the specified format.  Valid formats are bam,sam,bam_mapped,sam_mapped and fastq
  - string
  - 'null'
- id: contaminants
  doc: |-
    (-c) Specifies a non-default file which contains the list of contaminants to screen overrepresented sequences against. The file must contain sets of named contaminants in the form name[tab]sequence.  Lines prefixed with a hash will be ignored.
  - File
  - 'null'
- id: adapters
  doc: |-
    (-a) Specifies a non-default file which contains the list of adapter sequences which will be explicity searched against the library. The file must contain sets of named adapters in the form name[tab]sequence. Lines prefixed with a hash will be ignored.
  - File
  - 'null'
- id: limits
  doc: |-
    (-l) Specifies a non-default file which contains a set of criteria which will be used to determine the warn/error limits for the various modules.  This file can also be used to selectively  remove some modules from the output all together. The format needs to mirror the default limits.txt file found in the Configuration folder.
  - File
  - 'null'
- id: kmers
  doc: |-
    (-k) Specifies the length of Kmer to look for in the Kmer content module. Specified Kmer length must be between 2 and 10. Default length is 7 if not specified.
  - int
  - 'null'

- id: out
    type: array
    items: File
  outputSource: fastqc/out
- id: out_datafile
    type: array
    items: File
  outputSource: fastqc/out_datafile
- id: out_html
    type: array
    items: File
  outputSource: fastqc/out_html
- id: out_directory
    type: array
    items: Directory
  outputSource: fastqc/out_directory

- id: fastqc
  label: FastQC (single read)
  - id: read
    source: reads
  - id: nano
    source: nano
  - id: nofilter
    source: nofilter
  - id: noextract
    source: noextract
  - id: nogroup
    source: nogroup
  - id: format
    source: format
  - id: contaminants
    source: contaminants
  - id: adapters
    source: adapters
  - id: limits
    source: limits
  - id: kmers
    source: kmers
  - read
  run: tools/fastqc_single_v0_11_8.cwl
  - id: out
  - id: out_datafile
  - id: out_html
  - id: out_directory
id: fastqc_single_scattered