Oncopipe: sample preparation

OncopipeSamplePreparation · 1 contributor · 1 version

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from janis_bioinformatics.tools.oshlack.oncopipe.oncopipe import OncopipeSamplePreparation

wf = WorkflowBuilder("myworkflow")

wf.output("out_arriba_bam", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_arriba_bam)
wf.output("out_arriba_fusion", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_arriba_fusion)
wf.output("out_arriba_fusion_discarded", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_arriba_fusion_discarded)
wf.output("out_gene_counts", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_gene_counts)
wf.output("out_predictions", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_predictions)
wf.output("out_probabilities", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_probabilities)
wf.output("out_distributions", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_distributions)
wf.output("out_waterfalls", source=oncopipesamplepreparation_step.out_waterfalls)


  1. Install Janis
  2. Ensure Janis is configured to work with Docker or Singularity.
  3. Ensure all reference files are available:


More information about these inputs are available below.

  1. Generate user input files for OncopipeSamplePreparation:
# user inputs
janis inputs OncopipeSamplePreparation > inputs.yaml


blacklist: blacklist
genome_dir: null
gtf: gtf
name: <value>
- reads_0.fastq.gz
- reads_1.fastq.gz
reference: reference.fasta
  1. Run OncopipeSamplePreparation with:
janis run [...run options] \
    --inputs inputs.yaml \


URL: No URL to the documentation was provided

URL:No URL to the documentation was provided
Authors:Michael Franklin


name type documentation
out_arriba_bam IndexedBam  
out_arriba_fusion tsv  
out_arriba_fusion_discarded tsv  
out_gene_counts TextFile  
out_predictions csv  
out_probabilities csv  
out_distributions File  
out_waterfalls File  



Embedded Tools

Trimmomatic: Paired End (PE) trimmomaticPairedEnd/0.35
STAR Aligner star_alignReads/v2.7.1a
Arriba Arriba/1.2.0
GATK4: SortSAM Gatk4SortSam/
featureCounts featureCounts/2.0.1
Prepare ALLSorts Input prepareALLSortsInput/v0.1.0
Allsorts Allsorts/v0.1.0

Additional configuration (inputs)

name type documentation
name String Sample ID
reads FastqGzPair  
genome_dir Directory  
reference Fasta  
gtf File  
blacklist File  
contigs Optional<Array<String>>  
trim_phred33 Optional<Boolean> Use phred + 33 quality score. If no quality encoding is specified, it will be determined automatically
trim_steps Optional<Array<String>> ILLUMINACLIP: Cut adapter and other illumina-specific sequences from the read. SLIDINGWINDOW: Performs a sliding window trimming approach. It starts scanning at the 5” end and clips the read once the average quality within the window falls below a threshold. MAXINFO: An adaptive quality trimmer which balances read length and error rate to maximise the value of each read LEADING: Cut bases off the start of a read, if below a threshold quality TRAILING: Cut bases off the end of a read, if below a threshold quality CROP: Cut the read to a specified length by removing bases from the end HEADCROP: Cut the specified number of bases from the start of the read MINLEN: Drop the read if it is below a specified length AVGQUAL: Drop the read if the average quality is below the specified level TOPHRED33: Convert quality scores to Phred-33 TOPHRED64: Convert quality scores to Phred-64
star_limitOutSJcollapsed Optional<Integer> (default: 1000000) max number of collapsed junctions
star_readFilesCommand Optional<String> (default: -) command line to execute for each of the input file. This command should generate FASTA or FASTQ text and send it to stdout zcat - to uncompress .gz files, bzcat - to uncompress .bz2 files, etc.
star_outSAMtype Optional<Array<String>> (default: SAM) … quasi-random order used before 2.5.0 Random … random order of alignments for each multi-mapper. Read mates (pairs) are always adjacent, all alignment for each read stay together. This option will become default in the future releases. … standard unsorted SortedByCoordinate … sorted by coordinate. This option will allocate extra memory for sorting which can be specified by –limitBAMsortRAM.
star_outSAMunmapped Optional<String> (default: None) output of unmapped reads in the SAM format 1st word: None … no output Within … output unmapped reads within the main SAM file (i.e. Aligned.out.sam) 2nd word: KeepPairs … record unmapped mate for each alignment, and, in case of unsorted output, keep it adjacent to its mapped mate. Only affects multi-mapping reads.
star_outBAMcompression Optional<Integer> (default: 1) -1 to 10 BAM compression level, -1=default compression (6?), 0=no compression, 10=maximum compression
star_outFilterMultimapNmax Optional<Integer> (default: 10) maximum number of loci the read is allowed to map to. Alignments (all of them) will be output only if the read maps to no more loci than this value. Otherwise no alignments will be output, and the read will be counted as “mapped to too many loci” in the Log.final.out .
star_outFilterMismatchNmax Optional<Integer> (default: 10) alignment will be output only if it has no more mismatches than this value.
star_chimSegmentMin Optional<Integer> (default: 0) minimum length of chimeric segment length, if ==0, no chimeric output
star_chimOutType Optional<Array<String>> (default: Junctions) type of chimeric output Junctions … Chimeric.out.junction SeparateSAMold … output old SAM into separate Chimeric.out.sam file WithinBAM … output into main aligned BAM files (Aligned.*.bam) WithinBAM HardClip … (default) hard-clipping in the CIGAR for supplemental chimeric alignments (defaultif no 2nd word is present) WithinBAM SoftClip … soft-clipping in the CIGAR for supplemental chimeric alignments
star_chimJunctionOverhangMin Optional<Integer> (default: 20) minimum overhang for a chimeric junction
star_chimScoreMin Optional<Integer> (default: 0) minimum total (summed) score of the chimeric segments
star_chimScoreDropMax Optional<Integer> (default: 20) max drop (difference) of chimeric score (the sum of scores of all chimeric segments) from the read length
star_chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG Optional<Integer> (default: -1) penalty for a non-GT/AG chimeric junction
star_chimScoreSeparation Optional<Integer> (default: 10) minimum difference (separation) between the best chimeric score and the next one
star_alignSJstitchMismatchNmax Optional<Array<Integer>> (default: 0 -1 0 0) maximum number of mismatches for stitching of the splice junctions (-1: no limit). (1) non-canonical motifs, (2) GT/AG and CT/AC motif, (3) GC/AG and CT/GC motif, (4) AT/AC and GT/AT motif.
star_chimSegmentReadGapMax Optional<Integer> (default: 0) maximum gap in the read sequence between chimeric segments
arriba_fusion_transcript Optional<Boolean> When set, the column ‘fusion_transcript’ is populated with the sequence of the fused genes as assembled from the supporting reads. Specify the flag twice to also print the fusion transcripts to the file containing discarded fusions (-O). Default: off
arriba_peptide_sequence Optional<Boolean> When set, the column ‘peptide_sequence’ is populated with the sequence of the fused proteins as assembled from the supporting reads. Specify the flag twice to also print the peptide sequence to the file containing discarded fusions (-O). Default: off
sortsam_sortOrder Optional<String> The –SORT_ORDER argument is an enumerated type (SortOrder), which can have one of the following values: [unsorted, queryname, coordinate, duplicate, unknown]
sortsam_createIndex Optional<Boolean> Whether to create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file.
featureCounts_attributeType Optional<String> Specify attribute type in GTF annotation. ‘gene_id’ by default. Meta-features used for read counting will be extracted from annotation using the provided value.
prepareAllsortsInput_fusion_caller Optional<String>  

Workflow Description Language

version development

import "tools/trimmomaticPairedEnd_0_35.wdl" as T
import "tools/star_alignReads_v2_7_1a.wdl" as S
import "tools/Arriba_1_2_0.wdl" as A
import "tools/Gatk4SortSam_4_1_4_0.wdl" as G
import "tools/featureCounts_2_0_1.wdl" as F
import "tools/prepareALLSortsInput_v0_1_0.wdl" as P
import "tools/Allsorts_v0_1_0.wdl" as A2

workflow OncopipeSamplePreparation {
  input {
    String name
    Array[File] reads
    Directory genome_dir
    File reference
    File gtf
    File blacklist
    Array[String]? contigs
    Boolean? trim_phred33 = true
    Array[String]? trim_steps = ["ILLUMINACLIP:/usr/local/share/trimmomatic-0.35-6/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa:2:30:10", "LEADING:15", "TRAILING:15", "SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15", "MINLEN:35"]
    Int? star_limitOutSJcollapsed = 3000000
    String? star_readFilesCommand = "zcat"
    Array[String]? star_outSAMtype = ["BAM", "Unsorted"]
    String? star_outSAMunmapped = "Within"
    Int? star_outBAMcompression = 0
    Int? star_outFilterMultimapNmax = 1
    Int? star_outFilterMismatchNmax = 3
    Int? star_chimSegmentMin = 10
    Array[String]? star_chimOutType = ["WithinBAM", "SoftClip"]
    Int? star_chimJunctionOverhangMin = 10
    Int? star_chimScoreMin = 1
    Int? star_chimScoreDropMax = 30
    Int? star_chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG = 0
    Int? star_chimScoreSeparation = 1
    Array[Int]? star_alignSJstitchMismatchNmax = [5, -1, 5, 5]
    Int? star_chimSegmentReadGapMax = 3
    Boolean? arriba_fusion_transcript = true
    Boolean? arriba_peptide_sequence = true
    String? sortsam_sortOrder = "coordinate"
    Boolean? sortsam_createIndex = true
    String? featureCounts_attributeType = "gene_name"
    String? prepareAllsortsInput_fusion_caller = "featureCounts"
  call T.trimmomaticPairedEnd as trim {
      steps=select_first([trim_steps, ["ILLUMINACLIP:/usr/local/share/trimmomatic-0.35-6/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa:2:30:10", "LEADING:15", "TRAILING:15", "SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15", "MINLEN:35"]]),
      phred33=select_first([trim_phred33, true]),
  call S.star_alignReads as star {
      readFilesCommand=select_first([star_readFilesCommand, "zcat"]),
      limitOutSJcollapsed=select_first([star_limitOutSJcollapsed, 3000000]),
      outSAMtype=select_first([star_outSAMtype, ["BAM", "Unsorted"]]),
      outSAMunmapped=select_first([star_outSAMunmapped, "Within"]),
      outBAMcompression=select_first([star_outBAMcompression, 0]),
      outFilterMultimapNmax=select_first([star_outFilterMultimapNmax, 1]),
      outFilterMismatchNmax=select_first([star_outFilterMismatchNmax, 3]),
      alignSJstitchMismatchNmax=select_first([star_alignSJstitchMismatchNmax, [5, -1, 5, 5]]),
      chimOutType=select_first([star_chimOutType, ["WithinBAM", "SoftClip"]]),
      chimSegmentMin=select_first([star_chimSegmentMin, 10]),
      chimScoreMin=select_first([star_chimScoreMin, 1]),
      chimScoreDropMax=select_first([star_chimScoreDropMax, 30]),
      chimScoreSeparation=select_first([star_chimScoreSeparation, 1]),
      chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG=select_first([star_chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG, 0]),
      chimJunctionOverhangMin=select_first([star_chimJunctionOverhangMin, 10]),
      chimSegmentReadGapMax=select_first([star_chimSegmentReadGapMax, 3])
  call A.Arriba as arriba {
      fusion_transcript=select_first([arriba_fusion_transcript, true]),
      peptide_sequence=select_first([arriba_peptide_sequence, true])
  call G.Gatk4SortSam as sortsam {
      sortOrder=select_first([sortsam_sortOrder, "coordinate"]),
      createIndex=select_first([sortsam_createIndex, true])
  call F.featureCounts as featureCounts {
      attributeType=select_first([featureCounts_attributeType, "gene_name"]),
  call P.prepareALLSortsInput as prepareAllsortsInput {
      fusion_caller=select_first([prepareAllsortsInput_fusion_caller, "featureCounts"])
  call A2.Allsorts as allsorts {
  output {
    File out_arriba_bam = sortsam.out
    File out_arriba_bam_bai = sortsam.out_bai
    File out_arriba_fusion = arriba.out
    File out_arriba_fusion_discarded = arriba.out_discarded
    File out_gene_counts = featureCounts.out
    File out_predictions = allsorts.out_predictions
    File out_probabilities = allsorts.out_probabilities
    File out_distributions = allsorts.out_distributions
    File out_waterfalls = allsorts.out_waterfalls

Common Workflow Language

#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner
class: Workflow
cwlVersion: v1.2
label: 'Oncopipe: sample preparation'
doc: ''

- class: InlineJavascriptRequirement
- class: StepInputExpressionRequirement
- class: MultipleInputFeatureRequirement

- id: name
  doc: Sample ID
  type: string
- id: reads
    type: array
    items: File
- id: genome_dir
  type: Directory
- id: reference
  type: File
- id: gtf
  type: File
- id: blacklist
  type: File
- id: contigs
  - type: array
    items: string
  - 'null'
- id: trim_phred33
  doc: |-
    Use phred + 33 quality score. If no quality encoding is specified, it will be determined automatically
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: trim_steps
  doc: |
    ILLUMINACLIP: Cut adapter and other illumina-specific sequences from the read.
    SLIDINGWINDOW: Performs a sliding window trimming approach. It starts
    scanning at the 5" end and clips the read once the average quality within the window
    falls below a threshold.
    MAXINFO: An adaptive quality trimmer which balances read length and error rate to
    maximise the value of each read
    LEADING: Cut bases off the start of a read, if below a threshold quality
    TRAILING: Cut bases off the end of a read, if below a threshold quality
    CROP: Cut the read to a specified length by removing bases from the end
    HEADCROP: Cut the specified number of bases from the start of the read
    MINLEN: Drop the read if it is below a specified length
    AVGQUAL: Drop the read if the average quality is below the specified level
    TOPHRED33: Convert quality scores to Phred-33
    TOPHRED64: Convert quality scores to Phred-64
    type: array
    items: string
  - ILLUMINACLIP:/usr/local/share/trimmomatic-0.35-6/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa:2:30:10
  - LEADING:15
  - MINLEN:35
- id: star_limitOutSJcollapsed
  doc: '(default: 1000000) max number of collapsed junctions'
  type: int
  default: 3000000
- id: star_readFilesCommand
  doc: |-
    (default: -) command line to execute for each of the input file. This command should generate FASTA or FASTQ text and send it to stdout zcat - to uncompress .gz files, bzcat - to uncompress .bz2 files, etc.
  type: string
  default: zcat
- id: star_outSAMtype
  doc: |-
    (default: SAM) ... quasi-random order used before 2.5.0 Random ... random order of alignments for each multi-mapper. Read mates (pairs) are always adjacent, all alignment for each read stay together. This option will become default in the future releases. ... standard unsorted SortedByCoordinate ... sorted by coordinate. This option will allocate extra memory for sorting which can be specified by --limitBAMsortRAM.
    type: array
    items: string
  - BAM
  - Unsorted
- id: star_outSAMunmapped
  doc: |-
    (default: None) output of unmapped reads in the SAM format 1st word: None   ... no output Within ... output unmapped reads within the main SAM file (i.e. Aligned.out.sam) 2nd word: KeepPairs ... record unmapped mate for each alignment, and, in case of unsorted output, keep it adjacent to its mapped mate. Only affects multi-mapping reads.
  type: string
  default: Within
- id: star_outBAMcompression
  doc: |-
    (default: 1) -1 to 10  BAM compression level, -1=default compression (6?), 0=no compression, 10=maximum compression
  type: int
  default: 0
- id: star_outFilterMultimapNmax
  doc: |-
    (default: 10) maximum number of loci the read is allowed to map to. Alignments (all of them) will be output only if the read maps to no more loci than this value.  Otherwise no alignments will be output, and the read will be counted as "mapped to too many loci" in the Log.final.out .
  type: int
  default: 1
- id: star_outFilterMismatchNmax
  doc: |-
    (default: 10) alignment will be output only if it has no more mismatches than this value.
  type: int
  default: 3
- id: star_chimSegmentMin
  doc: |-
    (default: 0) minimum length of chimeric segment length, if ==0, no chimeric output
  type: int
  default: 10
- id: star_chimOutType
  doc: |-
    (default: Junctions) type of chimeric output     Junctions       ... Chimeric.out.junction     SeparateSAMold  ... output old SAM into separate Chimeric.out.sam file     WithinBAM       ... output into main aligned BAM files (Aligned.*.bam)     WithinBAM HardClip  ... (default) hard-clipping in the CIGAR for supplemental chimeric alignments (defaultif no 2nd word is present)     WithinBAM SoftClip  ... soft-clipping in the CIGAR for supplemental chimeric alignments
    type: array
    items: string
  - WithinBAM
  - SoftClip
- id: star_chimJunctionOverhangMin
  doc: '(default: 20) minimum overhang for a chimeric junction'
  type: int
  default: 10
- id: star_chimScoreMin
  doc: '(default: 0) minimum total (summed) score of the chimeric segments'
  type: int
  default: 1
- id: star_chimScoreDropMax
  doc: |-
    (default: 20) max drop (difference) of chimeric score (the sum of scores of all chimeric segments) from the read length
  type: int
  default: 30
- id: star_chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG
  doc: '(default: -1) penalty for a non-GT/AG chimeric junction'
  type: int
  default: 0
- id: star_chimScoreSeparation
  doc: |-
    (default: 10) minimum difference (separation) between the best chimeric score and the next one
  type: int
  default: 1
- id: star_alignSJstitchMismatchNmax
  doc: |-
    (default: 0 -1 0 0) maximum number of mismatches for stitching of the splice junctions (-1: no limit).     (1) non-canonical motifs, (2) GT/AG and CT/AC motif, (3) GC/AG and CT/GC motif, (4) AT/AC and GT/AT motif.
    type: array
    items: int
  - 5
  - -1
  - 5
  - 5
- id: star_chimSegmentReadGapMax
  doc: '(default: 0) maximum gap in the read sequence between chimeric segments'
  type: int
  default: 3
- id: arriba_fusion_transcript
  doc: |-
    When set, the column 'fusion_transcript' is populated with the sequence of the fused genes as assembled from the supporting reads. Specify the flag twice to also print the fusion transcripts to the file containing discarded fusions (-O). Default: off
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: arriba_peptide_sequence
  doc: |-
    When set, the column 'peptide_sequence' is populated with the sequence of the fused proteins as assembled from the supporting reads. Specify the flag twice to also print the peptide sequence to the file containing discarded fusions (-O). Default: off
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: sortsam_sortOrder
  doc: |-
    The --SORT_ORDER argument is an enumerated type (SortOrder), which can have one of the following values: [unsorted, queryname, coordinate, duplicate, unknown]
  type: string
  default: coordinate
- id: sortsam_createIndex
  doc: Whether to create a BAM index when writing a coordinate-sorted BAM file.
  type: boolean
  default: true
- id: featureCounts_attributeType
  doc: |-
    Specify attribute type in GTF annotation. 'gene_id' by default. Meta-features used for read counting will be extracted from annotation using the provided value.
  type: string
  default: gene_name
- id: prepareAllsortsInput_fusion_caller
  type: string
  default: featureCounts

- id: out_arriba_bam
  type: File
  - pattern: .bai
  outputSource: sortsam/out
- id: out_arriba_fusion
  type: File
  outputSource: arriba/out
- id: out_arriba_fusion_discarded
  type: File
  outputSource: arriba/out_discarded
- id: out_gene_counts
  type: File
  outputSource: featureCounts/out
- id: out_predictions
  type: File
  outputSource: allsorts/out_predictions
- id: out_probabilities
  type: File
  outputSource: allsorts/out_probabilities
- id: out_distributions
  type: File
  outputSource: allsorts/out_distributions
- id: out_waterfalls
  type: File
  outputSource: allsorts/out_waterfalls

- id: trim
  label: 'Trimmomatic: Paired End (PE)'
  doc: Trim reads using Trimmomatic
  - id: steps
    source: trim_steps
  - id: sampleName
    source: name
  - id: phred33
    source: trim_phred33
  - id: inp
    source: reads
  run: tools/trimmomaticPairedEnd_0_35.cwl
  - id: pairedOut
  - id: unpairedOut
- id: star
  label: STAR Aligner
  - id: genomeDir
    source: genome_dir
  - id: readFilesIn
    source: trim/pairedOut
  - id: readFilesCommand
    source: star_readFilesCommand
  - id: limitOutSJcollapsed
    source: star_limitOutSJcollapsed
  - id: outSAMtype
    source: star_outSAMtype
  - id: outSAMunmapped
    source: star_outSAMunmapped
  - id: outBAMcompression
    source: star_outBAMcompression
  - id: outFilterMultimapNmax
    source: star_outFilterMultimapNmax
  - id: outFilterMismatchNmax
    source: star_outFilterMismatchNmax
  - id: alignSJstitchMismatchNmax
    source: star_alignSJstitchMismatchNmax
  - id: chimOutType
    source: star_chimOutType
  - id: chimSegmentMin
    source: star_chimSegmentMin
  - id: chimScoreMin
    source: star_chimScoreMin
  - id: chimScoreDropMax
    source: star_chimScoreDropMax
  - id: chimScoreSeparation
    source: star_chimScoreSeparation
  - id: chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG
    source: star_chimScoreJunctionNonGTAG
  - id: chimJunctionOverhangMin
    source: star_chimJunctionOverhangMin
  - id: chimSegmentReadGapMax
    source: star_chimSegmentReadGapMax
  run: tools/star_alignReads_v2_7_1a.cwl
  - id: out_unsorted_bam
  - id: out_sorted_bam
  - id: SJ_out_tab
  - id: Log_out
  - id: Log_progress_out
  - id: Log_final_out
- id: arriba
  label: Arriba
  - id: _arriba_aligned_inp_staroutunsortedbam
    source: star/out_unsorted_bam
  - id: aligned_inp
    valueFrom: $(inputs._arriba_aligned_inp_staroutunsortedbam)
  - id: gtf_file
    source: gtf
  - id: reference
    source: reference
  - id: blacklist
    source: blacklist
  - id: contigs
    source: contigs
  - id: fusion_transcript
    source: arriba_fusion_transcript
  - id: peptide_sequence
    source: arriba_peptide_sequence
  run: tools/Arriba_1_2_0.cwl
  - id: out
  - id: out_discarded
- id: sortsam
  label: 'GATK4: SortSAM'
  - id: _sortsam_bam_staroutunsortedbam
    source: star/out_unsorted_bam
  - id: bam
    valueFrom: $(inputs._sortsam_bam_staroutunsortedbam)
  - id: sortOrder
    source: sortsam_sortOrder
  - id: createIndex
    source: sortsam_createIndex
  run: tools/Gatk4SortSam_4_1_4_0.cwl
  - id: out
- id: featureCounts
  label: featureCounts
  - id: attributeType
    source: featureCounts_attributeType
  - id: _featureCounts_bam_staroutunsortedbam
    source: star/out_unsorted_bam
  - id: bam
    valueFrom: $([inputs._featureCounts_bam_staroutunsortedbam])
  - id: annotationFile
    source: gtf
  run: tools/featureCounts_2_0_1.cwl
  - id: out
- id: prepareAllsortsInput
  label: Prepare ALLSorts Input
  - id: inps
    - featureCounts/out
    linkMerge: merge_nested
  - id: labels
    - name
    linkMerge: merge_nested
  - id: fusion_caller
    source: prepareAllsortsInput_fusion_caller
  run: tools/prepareALLSortsInput_v0_1_0.cwl
  - id: out
- id: allsorts
  label: Allsorts
  - id: samples
    source: prepareAllsortsInput/out
  run: tools/Allsorts_v0_1_0.cwl
  - id: out_predictions
  - id: out_probabilities
  - id: out_distributions
  - id: out_waterfalls
id: OncopipeSamplePreparation