Tutorial 1 - Building a Workflow

In this stage, we’re going to build a simple workflow to align short reads of DNA.

  1. Start with a pair of compressed FASTQ files,
  2. Align these reads using BWA MEM into an uncompressed SAM file (the de facto standard for short read alignments),
  3. Compress this into the binary equivalent BAM file using samtools, and finally
  4. Sort the reads using GATK4 SortSam.

These tools already exist within the Janis Tool Registry, you can see their documentation online:


To prepare for this tutorial, we’re going to create a folder and download some data:

mkdir janis-tutorials && cd janis-tutorials

# If WGET is installed
wget -q -O- "https://github.com/PMCC-BioinformaticsCore/janis-workshops/raw/master/janis-data.tar" | tar -xz

# If CURL is installed
curl -Ls "https://github.com/PMCC-BioinformaticsCore/janis-workshops/raw/master/janis-data.tar" | tar -xz

Creating our file

A Janis workflow is a Python script, so we can start by creating a file called alignment.py and importing Janis.

mkdir tools
vim tools/alignment.py # or vim, emacs, sublime, vscode

From the janis_core library, we’re going to import WorkflowBuilder and a String:

from janis_core import WorkflowBuilder, String


We have four inputs we want to expose on this workflow:

  1. Sequencing Reads (FastqGzPair - paired end sequence)
  2. Sample name (String)
  3. Read group header (String)
  4. Reference files (Fasta + index files (FastaWithIndex))

We’ve already imported the String type, and we can import FastqGzPair and FastaWithIndex from the janis_bioinformatics registry:

from janis_bioinformatics.data_types import FastqGzPairedEnd, FastaWithDict


We’ve discussed the tools we’re going to use. The documentation for each tool has a row in the tbale caled “Python” that gives you the import statement. This is how we’ll import how tools:

from janis_bioinformatics.tools.bwa import BwaMemLatest
from janis_bioinformatics.tools.samtools import SamToolsView_1_9
from janis_bioinformatics.tools.gatk4 import Gatk4SortSam_4_1_2

Declaring our workflow

We’ll create an instance of the WorkflowBuilder class, this just requires a name for your workflow (can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores).

w = WorkflowBuilder("alignmentWorkflow")

A workflow has 3 methods for building workflows:

  • workflow.input - Used for creating inputs,
  • workflow.step - Creates a step on a workflow,
  • workflow.output - Exposes an output on a workflow.

We give each input / step / output a unique identifier, which then becomes a node in our workflow graph. We can refer to the created node using dot-notation (eg: w.input_name). We’ll see how this works in the later sections.

More information about each step will be linked from this page about the Workflow and WorkflowBuilder class.

Creating inputs on a workflow

Further reading: Creating an input

To create an input on a workflow, you can use the Workflow.input method, which has the following structure:

    identifier: str, 
    datatype: DataType, 
    default: any = None, 
    doc: str = None

An input requires a unique identifier (string) and a DataType (String, FastqGzPair, etc). Let’s prepare the inputs for our workflow:

w.input("sample_name", String)
w.input("read_group", String)
w.input("fastq", FastqGzPairedEnd)
w.input("reference", FastaWithDict)

Declaring our steps and connections

Further reading: Creating a step

Similar to exposing inputs, we create steps with the Workflow.step method. It has the following structure:

    identifier: str, 
    tool: janis_core.tool.tool.Tool, 
    scatter: Union[str, List[str], ScatterDescription] = None, 

We provide a identifier for the step (unique amongst the other nodes in the workflow), and intialise our tool, passing our inputs of the step as parameters.

We can refer to an input (or previous result) using the dot notation. For example, to refer to the fastq input, we can use w.fastq.


We use bwa mem’s documentation to determine that we need to provide the following inputs:

  • reads: FastqGzPair (connect to w.fastq)
  • readGroupHeaderLine: String (connect to w.read_group)
  • reference: FastaWithDict (connect to w.reference)

We can connect them to the relevant inputs to get the following step definition:

    "bwamem",   # identifier

Samtools view

We’ll use a very similar pattern for Samtools View, except this time we’ll reference the output of bwamem. From bwa mem’s documentation, there is one output called out with type Sam. We’ll connect this to SamtoolsView only input, called sam.



In addition to connecting the output of samtoolsview to Gatk4 SortSam, we want to tell SortSam to use the following values:

  • sortOrder: "coordinate"
  • createIndex: True

Instead of connecting an input or a step, we just just provide the literal value.


Exposing outputs

Further reading: Creating an output

Outputs have a very similar syntax to both inputs and steps, they take an identifier and a named source parameter. Here is the structure:

    identifier: str,
    datatype: DataType = None,
    source: Node = None,
    output_folder: List[Union[String, Node]] = None,
    output_name: Union[String, Node] = None

Often, we don’t want to specify the output data type, because we can let Janis do this for us. We’ll talk about the output_folder and output_name in the next few sections. For now, we just have to specify an output identifier and a source.

w.output("out", source=w.sortsam.out)

Workflow + Translation

Hopefully you have a workflow that looks like the following!

from janis_core import WorkflowBuilder, String

from janis_bioinformatics.data_types import FastqGzPairedEnd, FastaWithDict

from janis_bioinformatics.tools.bwa import BwaMemLatest
from janis_bioinformatics.tools.samtools import SamToolsView_1_9
from janis_bioinformatics.tools.gatk4 import Gatk4SortSam_4_1_2

w = WorkflowBuilder("alignmentWorkflow")

# Inputs
w.input("sample_name", String)
w.input("read_group", String)
w.input("fastq", FastqGzPairedEnd)
w.input("reference", FastaWithDict)

# Steps


# Outputs
w.output("out", source=w.sortsam.out)

We can translate the following file into Workflow Description Language using janis from the terminal:

janis translate tools/alignment.py wdl

Running the alignment workflow

We’ll run the workflow against the current directory.

janis run -o . --engine cwltool \
    tools/alignment.py \
    --fastq data/BRCA1_R*.fastq.gz \
    --reference reference/hg38-brca1.fasta \
    --sample_name NA12878 \
    --read_group "@RG\tID:NA12878\tSM:NA12878\tLB:NA12878\tPL:ILLUMINA"

After the workflow has run, you’ll see the outputs in the current directory:


# drwxr-xr-x  mfranklin  1677682026   160B  data
# drwxr-xr-x  mfranklin  1677682026   256B  janis
# -rw-r--r--  mfranklin  wheel        2.7M  out.bam
# -rw-r--r--  mfranklin  wheel        296B  out.bam.bai
# drwxr-xr-x  mfranklin  1677682026   320B  reference
# drwxr-xr-x  mfranklin  1677682026   128B  tools

OPTIONAL: Run with Cromwell

If you have java installed, Janis can run the workflow in the Crowmell execution engine by using the --engine cromwell parameter:

janis run -o run-with-cromwell --engine cromwell \
    tools/alignment.py \
    --fastq data/BRCA1_R*.fastq.gz \
    --reference reference/hg38-brca1.fasta \
    --sample_name NA12878 \
    --read_group "@RG\tID:NA12878\tSM:NA12878\tLB:NA12878\tPL:ILLUMINA"