
Janis has a typing system that allows pipeline developers to be confident when they connect components together. In Janis, there are 6 fundamental types, all of which are inheritable. These fundamental types require an equivalent in all translation targets (eg: janis.String must be to a string CWL and WDL type).

To provide greater context to your tools and workflows, you can create a custom type that inherits from all of these fundamental types.

Often you can just use the uninstantiated type for annotation. All types can be made optional by instantiating the type wth (optional=True). By default types are required (non-optional) and inputs that have a default are made optional.


The janis-patterns repository has an example of how python types relate to Janis types: https://github.com/PMCC-BioinformaticsCore/janis-patterns/blob/master/types/pythontypes.py


A file in Janis is an object, and not a path. By annotating your type as a file, the execution engine will make the referenced file available within your execution environment. You should simply consider that the File type is a reference to some arbitrary place on disk and not in a predictable location.

Most often you will not directly instantiate a File as you’ll use some domain specific file type (such as TarFile or Bam`).

class janis.File(optional=False, extension=None, alternate_extensions: Set[str] = None)[source]

If you do not correctly annotate your type to be a janis.File (with appropriate index files), it may not be localised into your execution environment.

Secondary / Accessory files

Janis inherits the concept of secondary files from the Common Workflow Language. When creating a subclass of a File, you should include the

def secondary_files() -> Optional[List[str]]:
    return None

And return a list of strings with the following syntax:

  • If string begins with one or more caret ^ characters, for each caret, remove the last file extension from the path (the last period . and all following characters). If there are no file extensions, the path is unchanged.
  • Append the remainder of the string to the end of the file path.


It’s important that if you’re directly instantiating the File class, or subclassing and calling super().__init__ that you MUST include the expected file extension, otherwise secondary files will be not correctly collected in WDL.

Typing system

The typing system allows for you to pass an inherited type to one of its super classes. This means that if your type inherits from File, you can safely pass your inherited type. When passing inherited file types with secondary files, Janis does it’s best to take the subset of files from the receiving type. It’s up to the developer’s of new data types to ensure that all secondary files are included from each subtype.


A String is a type in Janis. When annotating a type, you can also use the inbuilt Python str, which will be turned into a required (non-optional) janis.String.

class janis.String(optional=False)[source]

The janis.Filename class is a special type that inherits from string which allows for automatic filename generation.


An Int is a type in Janis. When annotating a type, you can also use the inbuilt Python int, which will be turned into a required (non-optional) janis.Int.

class janis.Int(optional=False)[source]

The range of an integer is the minimum of the specification you use, here are some values:

Language Min Max
CWL -2^32 2^32
WDL -2^63 2^63
Python sys.maxsize
JSON * *
YAML * *

* - JSON and YAML max ranges may depend on your parser.


A Float is a type in Janis. When annotating a type, you can also use the inbuilt Python float, which will be turned into a required (non-optional) janis.Float.

class janis.Float(optional=False)[source]

The range of an integer is the minimum of the specification you use, here are some values:

Language Min Max
CWL finite 32-bit IEEE-754
WDL finite 64-bit IEEE-754
Python sys.float_info
JSON * *
YAML * *

* - JSON and YAML max ranges may depend on your parser.


A Boolean is a type in Janis. When annotating a type, you can also use the inbuilt Python bool, which will be turned into a required (non-optional) janis.Boolean.

class janis.Boolean(optional=False)[source]


A Filename is an inherited type in Janis with the purpose to stand in for filename generation. By default it is always optional, and there are a number of ways you can customise it.

class janis.Filename(prefix='generated', suffix=None, extension: str = None, optional=None)[source]
  • Prefix (defaults to “generated”)
  • Suffix
  • Guid (defaults to evaluating str(uuid.uuid1()) Overridable if you want a similar structure to your output files + some extension.
  • Extension (this is very important if collecting output files), you must include the period (.).

Format: $prefix-$guid-$suffix.bam

The intention was for each run and scatter to have a different generated value for each instance of generated filename. However, at the moment technical difficulties has delayed this implementation.