Tutorial 3: CWL Tool -> Nextflow


This tutorial demonstrates translation of a gatk HaplotypeCaller tool from CWL to Nextflow using janis translate.

The source CWL file used in this section is taken from the McDonnell Genome Institute (MGI) analysis-workflows repository.

This repository stores publically available analysis pipelines for genomics data.
It is a fantastic piece of research software, and the authors thank MGI for their contribution to open-source research software.

The software tool encapsulated by the source CWL - gatk_haplotype_caller.cwl - displays summary information for an alignment file.


Before continuing, ensure you have the following software installed:


Any IDE or a CLI text editor (VIM, nano) are sufficient for this material.

We recommend Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as it is lightweight and has rich support for extensions to add functionality.

Obtaining Janis

In this tutorial we will use a singularity container to run janis translate.

Containers are great because they remove the need for package managers, and guarantee that the software can run on any machine.

Run the following command to pull the janis image:

singularity pull janis.sif docker://pppjanistranslate/janis-translate:0.13.0

Check your image by running the following command:

singularity exec ~/janis.sif janis translate

If the image is working, you should see the janis translate helptext.

Downloading Source Files and Sample Data

For this tutorial we will fetch all necessary data from zenodo using wget.

This archive contains the source CWL file, sample data, and finished translations as a reference.

Run the following commands to download & decompress the zenodo archive:

wget https://zenodo.org/record/8275567/files/tutorial3.tar.gz
tar -xvf tutorial3.tar.gz

After you have decompressed the tar archive, change into the new directory:

cd tutorial3

Inside this folder we have the following structure:

├── data
│   ├── 2895499223_sorted.bam
│   ├── 2895499223_sorted.bam.bai
│   ├── chr17_test.dict
│   ├── chr17_test.fa
│   ├── chr17_test.fa.fai
│   ├── chr17_test_dbsnp.vcf.gz
│   └── chr17_test_dbsnp.vcf.gz.tbi
├── final
│   ├── gatk_haplotype_caller.nf
│   └── nextflow.config
└── source
    └── gatk_haplotype_caller.cwl

We will translate the source/gatk_haplotype_caller.cwl tool into nextflow using janis, then will test out our translation using the files inside the indexed bam file in the data/ folder.

Running Janis Translate

To translate a tool / workflow, we use janis translate.

janis translate --from <src> --to <dest> <filepath>

The --from argument specifies the workflow language of the source file(s), and --to specifies the destination we want to translate to.

In our case, this will be --from cwl --to nextflow.

The <filepath> argument is the source file we will translate.

In this tutorial, the filepath will be source/gatk_haplotype_caller.cwl

To translate our cwl tool, run the following command:

singularity exec ~/janis.sif janis translate --from cwl --to nextflow source/gatk_haplotype_caller.cwl

You will see a folder called translated/ appear, and a nextflow process called gatk_haplotype_caller.nf will be present inside.

Manual Adjustments to Translated Tool

The translated/gatk_haplotype_caller.nf file should be similar to the following:

nextflow.enable.dsl = 2

    container "broadinstitute/gatk:"

    path bam
    path reference
    path dbsnp_vcf, stageAs: 'dbsnp_vcf/*'
    val intervals
    val gvcf_gq_bands
    val emit_reference_confidence
    val contamination_fraction
    val max_alternate_alleles
    val ploidy
    val read_filter

    tuple path("output.g.vcf.gz"), path("output.g.vcf.gz.tbi"), emit: gvcf

    def bam = bam[0]
    def dbsnp_vcf = dbsnp_vcf[0] != null ? "--dbsnp ${dbsnp_vcf[0]}" : ""
    def reference = reference[0]
    def gvcf_gq_bands_joined = gvcf_gq_bands != params.NULL_VALUE ? "-GQB " + gvcf_gq_bands.join(' ') : ""
    def intervals_joined = intervals.join(' ')
    def contamination_fraction = contamination_fraction != params.NULL_VALUE ? "-contamination ${contamination_fraction}" : ""
    def max_alternate_alleles = max_alternate_alleles != params.NULL_VALUE ? "--max_alternate_alleles ${max_alternate_alleles}" : ""
    def ploidy = ploidy != params.NULL_VALUE ? "-ploidy ${ploidy}" : ""
    def read_filter = read_filter != params.NULL_VALUE ? "--read_filter ${read_filter}" : ""
    /gatk/gatk --java-options -Xmx16g HaplotypeCaller \
    -R ${reference} \
    -I ${bam} \
    -ERC ${emit_reference_confidence} \
    ${gvcf_gq_bands_joined} \
    -L ${intervals_joined} \
    ${dbsnp_vcf} \
    ${contamination_fraction} \
    ${max_alternate_alleles} \
    ${ploidy} \
    ${read_filter} \
    -O "output.g.vcf.gz"


We can see that this nextflow process has a multiple inputs, single output, and calls gatk HaplotypeCaller using the input data we supply to the process.

Notes on translation:

(1) def bam = bam[0]

This pattern is used in the script block to handle datatypes with secondary files.
The bam input is an indexed bam type, so requires a .bai file to also be present in the working directory.

To facilitate this, we supply the bam input as a tuple of 2 files:
[filename.bam, filename.bam.bai].

def bam = bam[0] is used so when we reference ${bam} in the script body, we are refering to the .bam file in that list.

(2) def ploidy = ploidy != params.NULL_VALUE ? "-ploidy ${ploidy}" : ""

This is how we handle optional val inputs in nextflow.
Nextflow doesn’t like null values to be passed to process inputs, so we use 2 different tricks to make optional inputs possible.

For val inputs we set up a NULL_VALUE param in nextflow.config which we use as a placeholder.
For path inputs (ie files and directories) we set up a null file rather than passing null directly.
This ensures that the file is staged correctly in the working directory when an actual filepath is provided.

The format above is a ternary operator of the form def myvar = cond_check ? cond_true : cond_false.
We are redefining the ploidy string variable so that it will be correctly formatted when used in the script block.
If we supply an actual value, it will take the form "-ploidy ${ploidy}".
If we supply the placeholder params.NULL_VALUE value, it will be a blank string "".

(3) def intervals_joined = intervals.join(' ')

Templates our intervals list of strings to a single string.
Each item is joined by a space: eg ["hello", "there"] -> "hello there".

(4) def dbsnp_vcf = dbsnp_vcf[0] != null ? "--dbsnp ${dbsnp_vcf[0]}" : ""

Same as (2) except uses a different check for null value, and selects the primary .vcf.gz file.

As the path dbsnp_vcf input is optional and consists of a .vcf.gz and .vcf.gz.tbi file, dbsnp_vcf[0] != null checks if the primary .vcf.gz file is present.

If true, it templates a string we can use in the script body to provide the required argument: --dbsnp ${dbsnp_vcf[0]}.
If false, it templates an empty string.

This ensures that when we use ${dbsnp_vcf} in the script body, it will be formatted correctly for either case.

This translation is correct for the gatk_haplotype_caller.cwl file and needs no adjusting.
Have a look at the source CWL file to see how they match up.

Running Translated Tool as a Workflow

Collecting Process Outputs

Let’s add a publishDir directive to our translated process so that we can capture the outputs of this process.


    container "broadinstitute/gatk:"
    publishDir "./outputs"    

Nextflow allows us to capture the outputs created by a process using the publishDir directive seen above.

Our gatk_haplotype_caller.nf has a container directive with the form container "broadinstitute/gatk:" provided, so Nextflow will handle this singularity image download and will use the specified image when running this process (provided that singularity.enabled is set to true in the nextflow config).
If you’d like to use an already available container, you can modify this container directive to container "/cvmfs/singularity.galaxyproject.org/all/gatk4:".

Setting up nextflow.config

To run this process, we will set up a nextflow.config file and add some lines to the top of our process definition to turn it into a workflow.

Create a new file called nextflow.config in the translated/ folder alongside gatk_haplotype_caller.nf.

Copy and paste the following code into your nextflow.config file:

nextflow.enable.dsl = 2
singularity.enabled = true
singularity.cacheDir = "$HOME/.singularity/cache"

params {

    bam = [
    dbsnp = [
    reference = [
    gvcf_gq_bands = NULL_VALUE
    intervals = ["chr17"]
    emit_reference_confidence = 'GVCF'
    contamination_fraction = NULL_VALUE
    max_alternate_alleles = NULL_VALUE
    ploidy = NULL_VALUE
    read_filter = NULL_VALUE

This tells nextflow how to run, and sets up the sample data as inputs.

file inputs

The bam parameter is a list which provides paths to the .bam and .bai sample data we will use to test the nextflow translation. From here, we can refer to the indexed bam input as params.bam in other files. The dbsnp and reference params follow this same pattern.

non-file inputs

We also set up a NULL_VALUE param which we use as a placeholder for a null value.
In this case we are providing null values for the gvcf_gq_bands, contamination_fraction, max_alternate_alleles, ploidy and read_filter inputs as they are all optional.

Creating Workflow & Passing Data

Now that we have the nextflow.config file set up, we will add a few lines to gatk_haplotype_caller.nf to turn it into a workflow.

Copy and paste the following lines at the top of gatk_haplotype_caller.nf:

ch_bam = Channel.fromPath( params.bam ).toList()
ch_dbsnp = Channel.fromPath( params.dbsnp ).toList()
ch_reference = Channel.fromPath( params.reference ).toList()

workflow {



The first 3 lines create nextflow Channels for our bam, dbsnp, and reference inputs and ensures they are lists.

The Channel.toList() aspect collects our files into a list, as the primary & secondary files for these datatypes must be passed together as a tuple.

The params.bam, params.dbsnp and params.reference global variables we set up previously are used to supply the paths to our sample data for these channels.

The new workflow {} section declares the main workflow entry point.
When we run this file, nextflow will look for this section and run the workflow contained within.

In our case, the workflow only contains a single task, which runs the GATK_HAPLOTYPE_CALLER process defined below the workflow section. We call GATK_HAPLOTYPE_CALLER by feeding inputs in the correct order, using the channels we declared at the top of the file, and variables we set up in the global params object.

Running Our Workflow

Ensure you are in the translated/ working directory, where nextflow.config and gatk_haplotype_caller.nf reside.

cd translated

To run the workflow using our sample data, we can now write the following command:

nextflow run gatk_haplotype_caller.nf

Nextflow will automatically check if there is a nextflow.config file in the working directory, and if so will use that to configure itself. Our inputs are supplied in nextflow.config alongside the dsl2 & singularity config, so it should run without issue.

Once completed, we can check the outputs/ folder to view our results.
If everything went well, the outputs/ folder should contain 2 files:

  • output.g.vcf.gz
  • output.g.vcf.gz.tbi


In this section we explored how to translate the gatk_haplotype_caller CWL CommandLineTool to a Nextflow process.

This is a more real-world situation, where the CommandLineTool has multiple inputs, secondary files, and optionality.

If needed, you can check the tutorial3/final folder which contains the nextflow files we created in this tutorial as reference.